What is MOST:PrEP?
MOST:PrEP is a research study taking place across multiple Henry Ford Health clinics designed to better understand how to increase access to preventive medicines.
If you work in a participating clinic, or have an appointment at a participating clinic, you may see some small changes to the flow of your appointments or check-in process.
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What to expect as a Patient
As a patient with an appointment at a participating clinic, you may experience some minor changes in the flow or content of your appointment check-in at Henry Ford Health. These changes will not affect your ability to make appointments or receive care, and you are not required to interact with or otherwise engage any study content you do not wish to.
As a patient, you may receive an email asking you to complete a research survey as part of the MOST:PrEP study. This survey is completely optional, and your care at Henry Ford Health will not be affected if you complete or do not complete the survey.
This study is conducted at the clinic level. This means that clinics participate in the MOST:PrEP study rather than individual people. If you have an appointment at a participating clinic, you may see some changes to the flow of the appointment or appointment check-in, but you will not be screened for eligibility or experience any other disruption to your care as a part of this study.
What to expect as a Provider
As a provider working in a participating clinic, you may experience some small changes to your workflow related to your patients and their appointments. These changes will not significantly affect the time you will need for patient care at each appointment, and we hope will help you in your practice.
As a provider, you may receive an email asking you to complete a research survey as part of the MOST:PrEP study. This survey is completely optional, and your employment at Henry Ford Health will not be affected if you complete or do not complete the survey.
If Your clinic is participating in the MOST:PrEP study, study staff will give or may have already given a brief presentation on the study. If you are unsure if your clinic is participating, you may reach out to study staff at the Contact Us form below for clarification.
Meet The MOST:PrEP Research Team
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Henry Ford Health- Center for Health Policy and Health Services Research
Dr. Elizabeth Lockhart, PhD
Principal Investigator
Dr. Lockhart is an assistant scientist at the Henry Ford Health Center for Health Policy and Health Services Research. Her work focuses on HIV prevention and care, qualitative and mixed methods research, and health system changes to improve health equity.
Sean Manogue, MPH
Program Manager
Sean Manogue is an epidemiologist and research manager at the Henry Ford Health Center for Health Policy and Health Services Research. His work focuses on HIV prevention as well as HIV and Hepatitis C education and linkage to care.
Jeremy Toney
Research Coordinator
Jeremy Toney is a research coordinator at the Henry Ford Health Center for Health Policy and Health Services Research. His work focuses on HIV prevention and care as well as LGBTQIA health education and advocacy.
Dr. Bianca Pittiglio, MD
Clinical Champion
Dr. Pittiglio is a Primary Care and Internal Medicine Physician with Henry Ford Health. Dr. Pittiglio serves as a Clinical Champion on the MOST:PrEP research project.
Dr. Megan Dekker, MD
Clinical Champion
Dr. Dekker is a Primary Care and Internal Medicine Physician with Henry Ford Health. Dr. Dekker serves as a Clinical Champion on the MOST:PrEP research project.
Collaborating Team
DeAnne Turner, PhD
University of South Florida -
Herica Torres-Alzate, PhD
University of South Florida -
Laura Szalacha, PhD
University of South Florida -
Stephanie Marhefka-Day, PhD
University of South Florida -
Kate Guastaferro, PhD
New York University
Contact Us
Have questions? Looking for more information?
Fill out our contact form and someone from our team will be in touch within 2 business days.
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